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Integer id feugiat tellus. Aenean blandit, metus at iaculis faucibus, tellus turpis hendrerit velit, vitae pharetra massa quam eget sapien.
We provide free condoms at over 100 sites across the city. These sites have condoms available for free, for anyone that needs them.
Curabitur ac luctus nibh. In posuere lorem at porta pharetra. Aenean tempor euismod nunc non interdum. In iaculis at quam non venenatis.
Philadelphia has some of the highest rates of STDs in the country, and teenagers are affected the most. 1 out of 3 kids in Philadelphia will get an STD during their teen years. We know it can feel daunting to have conversations with your kids about sex. How do you answer the hard questions? How much do you tell them? What if you don’t know the answer? That’s ok! You don’t have to know everything to start having conversations about sex with your teens. In fact, it’s important that sex education take place in the home. It may not always seem like it, but your kids want to hear from you.
Tips for Talking
Parents can have a big impact on their teenagers when it comes to healthy choices about sex. By starting the conversation earlier and honestly, teens will learn to trust you and trust the communication with you about sex and other difficult topics. Talking to your teenager about sex can be difficult and uncomfortable, but he or she needs to hear from you.
Here are some tips:
This is hard work for you and and can be uncomfortable. Don't get angry - don't give up. You may save your child's life by helping him or her prevent a serious disease.